Scientifically Speaking:
how to speak about your research with
confidence and clarity.

#1 Amazon Bestseller

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Now more than ever, the scientific and medical community is under the microscope and in front of the media. Science matters, and in a post-truth world scientists and physicians need to be heard.

But there’s a challenge. To get people to listen, you can’t communicate in writing alone. You need to speak up and be seen – on stage, online, and on camera.

To do this well you need to master the art of influential speaking, which is something you weren’t taught at university or medical school.

 This book teaches you how to become a compelling scientific speaker to:

  • put your message across with confidence and clarity, both online and in person

  • win the war of attention, benefiting both your field and your career

  • connect with your audience and achieve your goal

  • speak with energy and conviction in all types of situations, including the vital virtual channels of the post-COVID era

About Jo


Jo Filshie Browning is the Founder, Managing Director and Principle Consultant of Filshie Browning Associates. She has more than 25 years of experience in verbal communication skills, and helps scientists and physicians to improve their content, competence, and confidence so that they can communicate with impact and authority.


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